tirsdag den 14. november 2017

Postal stamps: Tiny pieces of art ...

It always makes my day, when I happen to find something extra NICE in a thrift-/charity store and at fleamarkets.

Lately I've found some interesting and colorful collections of postal stamps.

I simply adore those tiny pieces of art. I enjoy the different colors, the illustrations, and the creativity.

BTW (by the way): Recently I found this vintage cookie tin in a local charity store as well. ♥ I also have a love for vintage tins. (Oops!)


One of my fave-prints in the collections of postal stamps is this Holiday stamp of the Russian bear, Misha/Mishka (Миша), which was the mascot for the Olympic Games i Moscow in 1980.

Some day I'll use the postal stamps for crafty projects. I already have a few ideas in mind ...

Do you like postal stamps too?



fredag den 3. november 2017

Hæklede luffer

Vinteren og kulden sig nærmer, og når frosten begynder at bide lidt for voldsomt i fingerspidserne, så er det rigtig rart med et par lette luffer i lommen eller tasken.

Og hvorfor ikke HÆKLE dem selv? 

Opskriften her er ganske enkel. Der hækles i omgange med fastmasker, stangmasker og luftmasker. Hækl lufferne i striber, tofarvet eller ensfarvet.

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