tirsdag den 14. november 2017

Postal stamps: Tiny pieces of art ...

It always makes my day, when I happen to find something extra NICE in a thrift-/charity store and at fleamarkets.

Lately I've found some interesting and colorful collections of postal stamps.

I simply adore those tiny pieces of art. I enjoy the different colors, the illustrations, and the creativity.

BTW (by the way): Recently I found this vintage cookie tin in a local charity store as well. ♥ I also have a love for vintage tins. (Oops!)


One of my fave-prints in the collections of postal stamps is this Holiday stamp of the Russian bear, Misha/Mishka (Миша), which was the mascot for the Olympic Games i Moscow in 1980.

Some day I'll use the postal stamps for crafty projects. I already have a few ideas in mind ...

Do you like postal stamps too?



fredag den 3. november 2017

Hæklede luffer

Vinteren og kulden sig nærmer, og når frosten begynder at bide lidt for voldsomt i fingerspidserne, så er det rigtig rart med et par lette luffer i lommen eller tasken.

Og hvorfor ikke HÆKLE dem selv? 

Opskriften her er ganske enkel. Der hækles i omgange med fastmasker, stangmasker og luftmasker. Hækl lufferne i striber, tofarvet eller ensfarvet.

*SMIL* fra

søndag den 29. oktober 2017

Fragtfri november ...

Bestil allerede nu og til og med 30. november 2017
uden extra omkostninger til forsendelse.
(Gælder kun til postadresser i Danmark).

Læs mere om bøgerne på forlagets website


fredag den 27. oktober 2017

Dots and doodles on ...

Christel illustrations

The illustrations by Christel are beautiful just the way they are ...
nevertheless I decided to add my own touch to the pictures.

Before  | After    

To the left you see the original illustrations.
To the right I've added some dots and doodles.

Among other colors I've added some PINK and TURQUOISE,
2 colors I missed in the illustrations.

Before  | After    

If you don't know Christel,
you can find lots of info on her online
if you search for "Christel Marott".

F.Y.I.: I've used Uni Posca pens for the doodles!


tirsdag den 17. oktober 2017

Knæk Cancer Blomst [hækleopskrift]

Knæk Cancer Blomst

Hækleopskriften sælges selvfølgelig også i år, og den kan blive din for kun kr. 50.-

Alle indkomne beløb går ubeskåret til Knæk Cancer indsamlingerne.

Du kan købe opskriften i min webshop: http://lilula.dk/indsamling, hvor du også kan læse mere om, hvordan dit bidrag bliver føjet til indsamlingen.

På forhånd 1000 TAK for din støtte til Knæk Cancer.

fra Lisbet

Opskriften må IKKE hverken gives eller sælges videre til 3. part.
Blomster hæklet ud fra opskriften må meget gerne sælges, men KUN såfremt HELE beløbet fra salget går til Knæk Cancer's indsamlinger.

mandag den 16. oktober 2017

Dekorerede kastanjer

[Re-post af blogpost fra 2. oktober, 2014]

Der er nok ikke mange af os - børn såvel som voksne, der kan lade være med at samle en smuk, blank og nyklækket kastanje eller to op, når de vælter ned fra træerne her om efteråret. 

Kastanjerne er glatte, bløde og dejlige at røre ved, og iflg. gammel, dansk overtro, så er man, med sådan én i lommen, beskyttet mod gigt, podagra og rygsmerter. Det skader jo ikke at prøve! ;-)

Nogle af os fylder lommerne til bristepunktet eller slæber kastanjer med hjem i posevis ... Man ved jo aldrig, hvornår man lige får brug for en udtørret kastanje i et projekt. Dén kategori tilhører jeg.

Nu er jeg så heldig, at vi har et stort, ca. 100 år gammelt kastanjetræ stående i haven, og for tiden er vejen og græsset under kronen dækket af skaller og nødder. Og der er rigeligt - både til mig og dem, der kommer forbi.

Hvis det var ægte kastanjer, så ville jeg fluks skære et kryds i hver, bage dem i ovnen og spise dem med koldt smør. Men det er de almindelige hestekastanjer, vi har i haven, og dem kan vi mennesker almindeligvis kun anvende som pynt. Men det er de til gengæld også fine til!

Det er blevet så moderne at male på ting fra naturen; sten, blade, grene ... og kastanjerne egner sig også fortrinligt til formålet. De skal blot ligge i stuen i en uges tid og tørre lidt ind, så er de klar til at blive dekoreret.

Jeg har anvendt Posca penne til kastanjerne på fotoet.

God fornøjelse ... hvis du også kaster dig over et kastanje-tegne-male-projekt!

fra Lisbet

tirsdag den 10. oktober 2017

The Tiny Acorn People [D.I.Y.]

The Tiny Acorn People

Du skal bruge
Guirlande (et stykke af julepynten)
Uni Posca penne (sort, pink, hvid til ansigt + div. farver til kroppen)
Limpistol med lim

Sådan gør du
Lim 3 dele sammen, som vist på billederne, med limpistolen.
• Nederst et agern (krop)
• I midte en træperle (hoved)
• Øverst en agern-kapsel (hat)

Tegn ansigt på træperlen med Posca-penne.

Tegn mønster på agernet med Posca-penne.

Tegn/mal evt. mønster på agern-kapslen med Posca-penne.

Når malingen er tør, bindes et stykke sølv-guirlander omkring halsen som krave.

Hvis figuren skal hænge, så lim et stykke sytråd fast i toppen.
Skal figuren stå, så lim den fast på f.eks. en sten.



The Tiny Acorn People

What you need ...
Acorn caps
Wooden beads
Tinsel garland (from Christmas)
Uni Posca pens (black, pink, white for the face + various colors for the body.)
Hot glue

How to ...
Glue 3 pieces together as shown in the pictures
• Body – acorn (bottom)
• Head – wooden bead (middel)
• Hat – acorn cap (top)

Draw a face on the wooden bead with the Posca pens.

Make some doodles on the body (acorn) with Posca pens.

Optional: Paint the hats.

When the paint is dry, tie a piece os tinsel garland around the neck.

If you want the figurine hanging, add a loop (made of a piece of string) to the hat (use hot glue).
If you want it to stand, you can stick it to a rock etc. with hot glue.

Have fun!

*SMILES* from Lisbet

lørdag den 7. oktober 2017

Pink Saturday 2017 • Free crochet pattern

© Copyright LLL&Co.

Hæklet sløjfe

Garn: Bomuld 8/4
Hæklenål: 3,5

lm = luftmaske
stgm = stangmaske
nm = næste maske (her: luftmaske)

Dan en løkke på nålen og slå 40 lm op.
Hækl 1 stgm i 3. lm fra nålen og derefter 1 stgm i hver af de næste 13 lm, 3 stgm i nm, 2 stgm i hver af de næste 5 lm, 3 stgm i nm, 1 stgm i hver lm rækken ud.


Crocheted loop

Yarn: Cotton 8/4
Crochet hook: 3.5

ch = chain
dc = double crochet

Start with a slip knot. Ch 40.
Insert hook in 3rd ch from the hook, 1 dc.
1 dc in each of the next 13 ch, 3 dc in the next ch, 2 dc in each of the next 5 ch, 3 dc in the next ch, 1 dc in each of the last ch.



Smiles from,

fredag den 22. september 2017

The little, colourful things in life ...

When I was on holiday lately I bought some craft magazines ... and while surfing the mags I got some very nice inspiration. A couple of ideas that came to my mind involved MATCHBOXES.

And when I get an idea I go for it immediately ... (for a start, at least). So I visited the Danish marketplace, www.dba.dk and found a seller, who offered A LOT of matchboxes for a very reasonable price.

Yesterday I went to pick up the bags and back home again I had a look at the abt. 430 boxes. So many different ones from Denmark and foreign countries and interesting places like; Monte Carlo, Maui, Paris, and Las Vegas.

For my "ideas" I need the boxes only, so I started emptying the boxes. And while pouring the matches – box by box – into a HUGE bowl, I noticed the many different colours of the tips ... and I was certainly surprised!

Yes I have seen tips of different colours – a few ones like red, brown, white and blue – but these boxes contained the COLOURS OF THE RAINBOW: turquoise, lime green, green, yellow, orange, pink, purple etc. etc. ... and one matchbox even had black matches with a golden tip(!) 

It sounds totally weird – I know – but I felt I was in Matchbox Heaven standing somewhere at the end of the rainbow. (Sometimes my creative, colorful brain runs totally out of my mind. *haha*)

But ... on the other hand ... I'm telling myself that it's a kind of a gift being able to see and ENJOY the little things in life.

I don't know when I'll have the time to "test my idea", but I'll do it a.s.a.p. and ofcourse I'll show you the result.

For now the matchboxes and matches have been stored for later use.

Have a happy 'n COLORFUL weekend, everyone!

*SMILES* from Denmark,


torsdag den 31. august 2017


My new book has been released:

(Crocheted POTHOLDERS)

It's for sale on our website, www. leLivre.dk,
and in online book stores.

Your local book store can get it for you as well.



fredag den 11. august 2017

Frida Kahlo pillowcase makeover

All you need is:
A printed pillowcase, cotton yarn 8/4, needle
imagination, and a couple of nights ...

The picture above shows the pillowcase before my stitches!

The stitches I've used are:
Basting stitch, flat stitch, chain stitch , and french knot.

The picture above shows the pillowcase before and after
I had embroidered the flower headband.

And the picture below shows
the pimped necklaces and pendant.

I haven't embroidered anything similar for a LONG time,
but it was so much fun and I'll definitely be doing more
of these makeovers once in a while.

Hopefully you got some inspiration here?




mandag den 7. august 2017

My new crochet book ...


... has been sent for printing today!

"Chrocheted potholders"
– in Danish "Hæklede GRYDELAPPER".

The book contains 20 recipes of different kinds:

Squared, round, and fanzy shapes.

Marshmallow, Mille Fiori, Frida K., Hippe-Van,
Piggy, Provence, Retro, Bohéme, and Harlekin
are some of them.

The book is in Danish only.

The book will be released sometime 'round Aug. 21, 2017.

You can pre-order the book from our website

We'll ship all incoming orders as soon
as we receive the printed books from the print company.

*Smiles* from


lørdag den 5. august 2017

Doodles on shells ...

100% mindfulness while decorating the shells!

I've used Uni Posca 0.7 mm for the doodles.

Have fun!



tirsdag den 1. august 2017

Painting on ...


You can paint on rocks, wooden sticks, dry leaves,
sea shells ... and snail shells (like I just did).

I've bought the snail shells from the charity store
(a French package of shells for edible snails).

The pens I use are UNI POSCA pens.

