Download the illustration
- click on the image below ...
[PDF 447 kb]
Print the illustration
Ad the colors you prefer ...
Bright or hot. Markers, watercolor etc. You choose!
Take a picture
of your colored illustration
Upload the picture
to your Instagram account
using hashtag #LLLogCo-ColorMyWorld
* * *
Entries before December 8, 2014.
UPDATE: The deadline is extended to Dec 16. 2014
* * *
Sometime in December 2014
I'll find a winner among the colorful entries.
The winner will receive a
surprice from me in the mailbox
before Christmas.
No matter if you're living in- or outside Denmark
you're all more than welcome to join.
You can follow my Instagram gallery
@LLLogCo ...
Use code LARSEN10 for -10% OFF everything in the webshop, www.puravidabracelets.com
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